Town Council status for Sherburn in Elmet
Following a resolution at a meeting of the Council (15 August 2022), where residents were offered the opportunity to have their say on Town Council status, Sherburn in Elmet Parish Council unanimously agreed to rename itself Sherburn in Elmet Town Council.
Town Council Chairman Gary Limbert said that residents’ responses were in the main very positive about the change, although some wanted to know what it would mean for the village. It was accepted that Sherburn in Elmet is now larger than many other Town and Parish Councils within North Yorkshire. There are in fact 731 parishes in North Yorkshire including 25 Town and 129 Parish Councils, Sherburn is now the 10th largest in North Yorkshire with a population in excess of 8,000 and growing, with new housing developments still to be completed! It is also the biggest employer within Selby District, and probably North Yorkshire, mainly at the industrial park and the newly developing Sherburn2 business park.