Sherburn High – iCan, can you?

Motivational speaker Richard McCann paid a visit to Sherburn High last month to speak to our Year 11 and Post 16 students who are about to embark upon their final exams. Richard, son of the Yorkshire Ripper’s first murder victim, spoke of the trials and tribulations he had faced throughout his life and how he has used those experiences as a tool for always striving to be better and telling himself that he can do it! Richard uses a great deal of humour in his speech to demonstrate that no matter how difficult times may be, with a bit of positive action you can turn things around. Staff and students found him to be truly inspirational and came out of the hall buzzing!

Year 11 students said:

“Emotional, inspirational, motivational!” Dominique Obertelli and Lauren Hornett

“Richard’s was a very motivational life story, it was interesting to hear how he overcame his difficulties to get to where he is now.” Keean Ward