Hello North Yorkshire Residents and welcome to your Selby Neighbourhood Policing Team.
We want to take the time to introduce ourselves to you, in a bid to improve our rapport and communications with the communities we serve.

I am one of the Sergeants on the team, and work alongside several other Sergeants and an Inspector. Between us, we have a committed, hard-working and passionate team of Police Constables and Police Community Support Officers. As a team, we work in partnership with various other departments and agencies, most notably our Selby Community Safety Hub, whom are a team of officers dedicated to finding longer term solutions to your problems. Your local neighbourhood officers cover Selby and the surrounding areas, including Eggborough, Brayton, Hambleton, Cawood, Hensall, South Milford, Monk Fryston, Sherburn-in-Elmet and Tadcaster.

As a team, we do not underestimate the impact crime has had on you all over the winter period, and we have worked tirelessly to address the issues you have faced. Most notably, we have faced the repeated burglaries in the Sherburn-in-Elmet area, residential burglaries in Thorpe Willoughby, thefts from motor vehicles within Selby and a handful of other problems. While we know there has been frustration amongst the public from these incidents and police actions, we hope you appreciate that our enquiries can often take time and can remember that we are all on the same page working towards the same goals. Of note we have now gone almost a month with zero reported burglaries in Sherburn-in-Elmet, a great result which is the outcome of a combined public and police effort to address the problem.
We are always keen to hear about any concerns you have, and also about community groups and networks we can involve ourselves in. We are open to hearing new ways we can reach out to our communities, so please don’t be afraid to talk to us.
As we move deeper into this year, our team remains committed to keep Selby and it’s surrounding areas a safe place to live. We are making changes behind the scenes to improve our service delivery and responses to the incidents you report, to ensure your communities remain safe and have faith in your police force.

We will be posting further information in the future about your local officers and points of contact. In the meantime, if you are not already signed up to our community messenger system, please consider doing this. Community messenger is a tool used by us to send updates and requests for information to the public through text messages and emails. It is a great way of ensuring you, the public, are updated of what we are doing to keep you safe and how you can engage with us. To sign up, please head to https://www.northyorkshirecommunitymessaging.co.uk/ .
As a team, we look forward to working for you and alongside you in the coming year and hope to deliver a better service than ever to keep you all safe.
Many thanks,
Police Sergeant Wicks