Network Rail Reference: TRU – CFM 12.0696 – Structure CFM/5
Bridge replacement – London Road A162
We are writing to make you aware of essential work that is due to take place in your area as
part of the Transpennine Route Upgrade, which will deliver more frequent, faster, greener
trains, running on a better, cleaner and more reliable railway between Manchester, Leeds and
What will we be doing?
The railway bridge deck over London Road (the A162) requires upgrading following an
assessment by Network Rail specialists. This will support the future electrification of the line as
we plan to replace the bridge deck prior to electrification, which will make the process safer for
the teams involved.
A map showing the location of the bridge can be viewed at the end of this letter.
When will we be working?
Our construction teams will be working on the following dates and times (pending approval
from North Yorkshire Council):
- 14th & 15th November 2023 – over night closure only (22.00 – 05.00)
- 15th & 16th November 2023 – over night closure only (22.00 – 05.00)
These closures are required to allow our teams to remove electrical cables form the existing
structure and create a temporary route for the cables to avoid them being damaged during
bridge reconstruction. - 21st to 29th December 2023 – full closure (09.00 on 21st until 15.00 on 29th)
Preparatory works will take place between 21st & 24th December 2023 to ensure the existing
bridge is ready for demolition and the road underneath is protected. Reconstruction of the
railway bridge will take place on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (25 & 26th December) as the
rail network is not in use during these days. Between the 27th & 29th, works will focus on
finishing the non-structural elements of the bridge and site demobilisation.
How will we manage the impact on our neighbours?
The closure of London Road (A162) and subsequent need for a temporary diversion near your
business may cause temporary inconvenience and we apologise in advance for any disruption
this may cause. We have prepared a diversionary route with the help and support of North
Yorkshire Council for all vehicles.
The proposed diversionary route due to the closure of London Road (A162) will be via the
A1(M). Associated signage will be in place to guide all vehicles during these periods. A map
showing the diversionary route is available to view alongside this post.
If you would like to find out more about the Transpennine Route Upgrade, please visit
In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email: