Sherburn Gala Committee Appeal for Support

The Sherburn in Elmet Gala Committee is appealing for support from local businesses and entrepreneurs to ensure the Gala and its annual activities can continue by investing in the Sherburn in Elmet 100 Club.  The Committee is hoping to get 100 businesses to donate £100 annually to the Gala, which is in line with their Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR).

The Gala is a key organisation within Sherburn in Elmet as they provide various annual activities such as the Christmas lights, children’s discos, the annual Gala Festival and more.

Half of the money donated will be used to provide funds to ensure the Gala can continue to operate and the other half would be used to help fund other small Sherburn in Elmet organisations and charities.  Local charities and organisations would be invited to apply on a quarterly basis for three potential grants of £250, £500 and £750.

Speaking on behalf of the Gala Committee, Alma Hodgson, Chair of the committee said:

The main achievements since the Gala were first held in 1976, where the sum of £1,800 was raised to help with the local church restoration.  In the following years, we started fundraising to purchase land from John Smiths to extend the Eversley Park field and provide landscaping and play areas.  By 1992, a total sum of £53,000 had been raised and saw the first Christmas lights in the village (50 lights in total).  The cost for the Christmas lights are ongoing each year, and we try to hang more lights up each year.  We have also commissioned four signs at the entrance to the village, donated towards CCTV for the village, helped with the Sherburn Visiting Scheme minibus, donated a strimmer for the churchyard and assisted many other local groups over the years.

The Gala committee is hoping for a quick response so they can roll this out in January 2018.  For those willing to support the Gala, please contact the gala committee at