Poochie Park and Poochie Pantry Raw dog food Supplies

Poochie Park and Poochie Pantry Raw dog food Supplies

Poochie Park is 1.5 acres enclosed dog park, our fence is 5’7″ at its lowest point and over 6′ at its highest, the fence continues underground too, there is double gate entry system. There is only one booking per time slot, so you have exclusive use of the park. Each booking slot includes loading and unloading your vehicle.

Poochie Park enclosed dog field enables dogs that wouldn’t normally enjoy off lead time to have 30 minutes or 60 minutes of free running, and lots of new smells. Other facilities include a shelter, picnic benches, flood lighting, poo bags, poo bins and running water.

Poochie Pantry have a wide range of food , clean & care and treats for a variety of different animals.

Opening hours
6:30am - 9pm
Phone number
Poochie Park
Bishopdyke Road
Sherburn in Elmet
LS25 6HP
Location map
Visit website