Garden Waste 2025 season – now open

From 31 January, residents will be able to pay for their licence for the 2025 garden waste collection service.

Existing customers will also start to receive a letter or email advising them that they can now pay for their licence.

A licence for the 2025 season costs £49 for collections between March and early December. This provides a cost-effective way for residents to dispose of garden waste.

The licence covers one 240-litre wheelie bin to be emptied fortnightly. Any residents who wish to have more than one bin emptied will need to pay for a licence for each additional bin. Residents can also pay for a licence at any time throughout the season but are encouraged to do so before the start of the service in March as the cost will remain the same.

Once paid, a licence pack should arrive within 14 days.

Customers can pay for a licence online, which is straightforward and takes just a few minutes to complete. Alternatively, they can pay by telephone or we would be happy to help them complete the form in person at one of our offices or at a local library.

There are changes to collection days for some residents, and we will be informing them directly of this change.

Anyone who doesn’t wish to pay for the service can take their garden waste to one of the household waste and recycling centres or compost at home. Residents can also purchase a home compost bin for as little as £12 (plus delivery).

A message from North Yorkshire Council – Environment Directorate