The appeal in respect of the failure of Selby District Council to grant planning permission for 270 homes on a site off Hodgson’s Lane opened in Tadcaster yesterday. At the start of the appeal District Councillors David Buckle, Mel Hobson, Bob Packham and also Paul Doherty, Chair of the Parish Council, spoke asking that the appeal be refused. We jointly argued that Sherburn had grown rapidly despite the lack of essential infrastructure and facilities and that we needed a comprehensive plan led approach to the future of Sherburn in which the community would have a say, rather than piecemeal and unplanned development.
The rest of the opening day was taken up with evidence by the expert witness acting for Selby District Council, who was then cross-examined by the developer’s barrister.
Government policy requires local councils such as Selby to demonstrate that they have a five year supply of housing land (based on a minimum of 450 homes being built in the district each year).
At the start of the second day Selby conceded that they do not have a five year housing supply and agreed not to give any further evidence.
A decision by the Inspector chairing the appeal is not expected for about six weeks, but the most likely outcome is that permission will be granted. Having fought hard to avoid additional development residents and the Parish Council will be disappointed with this outcome.