The plan to build 270 homes on land off Hodgson’s Lane.
The appeal by the developer’s against Selby District Council’s failure to accept this application reconvened in Tadcaster yesterday (25th October) and closed after the final submission by the Appellant’s barrister. A decision is expected in about four weeks, but given that Selby District Council have conceded that they do not have a 5 year supply of housing land, it must be highly likely that the application to build 270 homes will be passed.
Given the events in Tadcaster it’s clearly no coincidence that the Parish Council received the following planning application today:-
2016/1256/OUTM Outline application for residential development comprising up to 60 dwellings, areas of open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except access on land to north at Pinfold Garth Sherburn in Elmet.