A request to find an old friend – Can you help?

We have received an email through our website from a Mr Eric Dudley who is looking for some old friends who used to live in the area – and had a great interest in the Sherburn Cricket Club. If anyone can help him in his search he would be most grateful, see his message below with further details.

“I am trying to locate old friends of forty years Mick and Roz Wilkinson and daughter Vicki who often spoke of their interest in a cricket club while living in the Sherburn In Elmet area before moving to Lyme Regis in Dorset. I am hopeful that an older associate of your club may know them and where I could contact them. Mick was a groom on International horse flights. I will be travelling to the UK from Australia in July and would be very grateful if you could perhaps place my request on your website
Thank you and best wishes for your club’s success in the coming summer.
Kind regards,
Eric Dudley”

Email: kirreway@bigpond.com