It was a night of non-stop laughter and entertainment on Saturday as comedy legends Cannon and Ball came to Sherburn to perform in front of over 200 people. The famous duo were joined by Bobby Balls sons, the Harper Brothers, who are themselves an established comedy duo. The crowd were left in stitches and in fits of laughter during the 2 performances – ending with a standing ovation and endless cheers as the 4 comedians came together to perform a musical finale. It was an unforgettable night, and feedback from the audience has been incredible – there is no doubt that the duo are just as good as ever!
The famous duo met in the 1960’s and have been performing ever since, possibly most notable for The Cannon and Ball show which ran for 9 years between 1979 – 1988 – so it was certainly an amazing treat for Sherburn to house these fantastic legends of the stage.