There will be a local Parish Council Election in Sherburn on Tuesday 26th October 2021.
The Sherburn in Elmet Parish Council is the local tier of government closest to the people. They are within the district authority of Selby District Council and then North Yorkshire County Council. The Sherburn in Elmet Parish council is based at the Eversley Park Centre.
Two candidates are running for the position of Parish Councillor in this election.
Anthony Chapman – Independent Candidate for Sherburn in Elmet
Key Campaign Points:
-Ensure Parish Council spending is fair and transparent
-Support and encourage schemes, groups and activities in the area
-Endeavor to keep Council Tax to a minimum for residents
-Engage with local businesses so they keep supporting our community
-Encourage local residents to buy local
-Review housing developments and act on the needs of the village
(Information taken from public campaign material)

Peter Baumann – Green Party Candidate for Sherburn in Elmet
Key Campaign Points:
-Greatly improved transparency
-Longterm financial planning
-Direct involvement of youth voice
-Continued support for local facilities
-Better preserved green spaces
-Increased flood mitigation measures
-Widespread accessibility improvements
-Positive & proactive community engagement
(Information taken from public campaign material)

It is important that everybody is aware of the Parish Council elections and has the opportunity to vote, so make sure you tell your friends and family about the election on Tuesday 26th October. The two polling stations are the Harold Mills Centre and the Lady Popplewell Centre.
For further information about the election, visit the Selby District Council website.