Sherburn-In-Elmet Town Council
Town Council status for Sherburn in Elmet
T: 01977 681024
E: clerk@sherburninelmet-tc.gov.uk
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Eversley Park Centre
A local centre including community events, clubs, activities, meetings, parties...
T: 01977 689605
E: info@eversleyparkcentre.co.uk
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Elmet Lions
An International community that includes a group of volunteers who give their time to help and support the local community
T: 07803 022423
W: https://elmet.lionsclub.co/
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South Milford Women's Institute
A local community based in South Milford
T: 07985 797040
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Sherburn Visiting Scheme
Providing a wide number of services and activities for the elderly in Sherburn in Elmet and the surrounding areas.
T: 01977 681828
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Sherburn in Elmet Area Community Minibus Association
Providing the bus services for use by local charities and organisations. It is not available for private hire.
T: 07410 453584
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Sherburn in Elmet Community Trust
We are a connector with people and community to make Sherburn as an inclusive and vibrant place to live.
T: 01609 536033
E: info@siect.uk
W: Visit Website
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Councillor for Sherburn in Elmet
Providing services for Sherburn in Elmet resident
T: 07866 343184
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Sherburn & Villages u3a
A encourage groups of people in their third age to come together and continue their enjoyment of learning in subjects of interest to them
T: 01977 684480
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Sherburn-in-Elmet Gala Association
The association aims to improve the community of Sherburn to make Sherburn a better place.
Also hold various other events throughout the year, including Halloween and Christmas parties
T: 01977 684518
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